Add new elements to the current tinyplot


This convenience function grabs the preceding tinyplot call and updates it with any new arguments that have been explicitly provided by the user. It then injects add=TRUE and evaluates the updated call, thereby drawing a new layer on top of the existing plot. plt_add() is a shorthand alias for tinyplot_add().





All named arguments override arguments from the previous calls. Arguments not supplied to tinyplot_add remain unchanged from the previous call.


No return value, called for side effect of producing a plot.


  • Currently, tinyplot_add only works reliably if you are adding to a plot that was originally constructed with the tinyplot.formula method (and passed an appropriate data argument). In contrast, we cannot guarantee that using tinyplot_add will work correctly if your original plot was constructed with the atomic tinyplot.default method. The reason has to do with potential environment mismatches. (An exception is thus if your plot arguments (x, y, etc.) are attached to your global R environment.)

  • Automatic legends for the added elements will be turned off.




tinyplot(Sepal.Width ~ Sepal.Length | Species,
  facet = ~Species,
  data = iris)

tinyplot_add(type = "lm") ## or : plt_add(type = "lm")

## Note: the previous function is equivalent to (but much more convenient
## than) re-writing the full call with the new type and `add=TRUE`:

# tinyplot(Sepal.Width ~ Sepal.Length | Species,
#          facet = ~Species,
#          data = iris,
#          type = "lm",
#          add = TRUE)