Text annotations plot type


Type function for adding text annotations to a plot. This function allows you to draw text at specified (x,y) coordinates.


  adj = NULL,
  pos = NULL,
  offset = 0.5,
  vfont = NULL,
  font = NULL


labels Character vector of length 1 or of the same length as the number of x,y coordinates.
adj one or two values in \([0, 1]\) which specify the x (and optionally y) adjustment (‘justification’) of the labels, with 0 for left/bottom, 1 for right/top, and 0.5 for centered. On most devices values outside \([0, 1]\) will also work. See below.
pos a position specifier for the text. If specified this overrides any adj value given. Values of 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively indicate positions below, to the left of, above and to the right of the specified (x,y) coordinates.
offset when pos is specified, this value controls the distance (‘offset’) of the text label from the specified coordinate in fractions of a character width.
vfont NULL for the current font family, or a character vector of length 2 for Hershey vector fonts. The first element of the vector selects a typeface and the second element selects a style. Ignored if labels is an expression.
font Font to be used, following graphics::par()



tinyplot(mpg ~ hp | factor(cyl),
  data = mtcars,
  type = type_text(
    labels = row.names(mtcars),
    font = 2,
    adj = 0))