Polars from Python and R

Pro-tip: Just swap . (Python) for $ (R), or vice versa

Load libraries

import polars as pl
import time
import matplotlib
Warning: package 'polars' was built under R version 4.4.1

Scan data

nyc = pl.scan_parquet("nyc-taxi/**/*.parquet", hive_partitioning=True)


run LazyFrame.show_graph() to see the optimized version

polars_query p1 Parquet SCAN [nyc-taxi/year=2012/month=1/part-0.parquet, ... 11 other files] π */24;
nyc = pl$scan_parquet("nyc-taxi/**/*.parquet", hive_partitioning=TRUE)
polars LazyFrame
 $explain(): Show the optimized query plan.

Naive plan:
Parquet SCAN [nyc-taxi/year=2012/month=1/part-0.parquet, ... 11 other files]

First example

Polars operations are registered as queries until they are collected.

q1 = (
            pl.mean("tip_amount")#.alias("mean_tip") ## alias is optional


run LazyFrame.show_graph() to see the optimized version

polars_query p1 SORT BY [col("passenger_count")] p2 AGG [col("tip_amount").mean()] BY [col("passenger_count")] p1--p2 p3 Parquet SCAN [nyc-taxi/year=2012/month=1/part-0.parquet, ... 11 other files] π */22; p2--p3
q1 = (
        pl$mean("tip_amount")#$alias("mean_tip") ## alias is optional
polars LazyFrame
 $explain(): Show the optimized query plan.

Naive plan:
SORT BY [col("passenger_count")]
    [col("tip_amount").mean()] BY [col("passenger_count")] FROM
    Parquet SCAN [nyc-taxi/year=2012/month=1/part-0.parquet, ... 11 other files]
R-polars multiline syntax

Polars-style x$method1()$method2()... chaining may seem a little odd to R users, especially for multiline queries. Here I have adopted the same general styling as Python: By enclosing the full query in parentheses (), we can start each $method() on a new line. If this isn’t to your fancy, you could also rewrite these multiline queries as follows:


(Note: this is the naive query plan, not the optimized query that polars will actually implement for us. We’ll come back to this idea shortly.)

Calling collect() enforces computation.

tic = time.time()
dat1 = q1.collect()
toc = time.time()

shape: (18, 2)
passenger_count tip_amount
i64 f64
0 0.862099
1 1.151011
2 1.08158
3 0.962949
4 0.844519
177 1.0
208 0.0
247 2.3
249 0.0
254 0.0
# print(f"Time difference of {toc - tic} seconds")
tic = Sys.time()
dat1 = q1$collect()
toc = Sys.time()

shape: (18, 2)
passenger_count tip_amount
i64 f64
0 0.862099
1 1.151011
2 1.08158
3 0.962949
4 0.844519
177 1.0
208 0.0
247 2.3
249 0.0
254 0.0
toc - tic
Time difference of 2.880659 secs


Subsetting along partition dimensions allows for even more efficiency gains.

q2 = (
    .filter(pl.col("month") <= 3)
    .group_by(["month", "passenger_count"])
q2 = (
    $filter(pl$col("month") <= 3)
    $group_by("month", "passenger_count")

Let’s take a look at the optimized query that Polars will implement for us.

# q2             # naive
q2.show_graph()  # optimized

# q2              # naive
cat(q2$explain()) # optimized
SORT BY [col("passenger_count")]
    [col("tip_amount").mean().alias("mean_tip")] BY [col("month"), col("passenger_count")] FROM
    Parquet SCAN [nyc-taxi/year=2012/month=1/part-0.parquet, ... 11 other files]
    SELECTION: [(col("month").cast(Unknown(Float))) <= (dyn float: 3.0)]

Now, let’s run the query and collect the results.

tic = time.time()
dat2 = q2.collect()
toc = time.time()

shape: (29, 3)
month passenger_count mean_tip
i64 i64 f64
3 0 0.877675
1 0 0.841718
2 0 0.876637
3 1 1.089205
2 1 1.06849
1 9 0.0
2 9 0.0
1 65 0.0
3 208 0.0
1 208 0.0
# print(f"Time difference of {toc - tic} seconds")
tic = Sys.time()
dat2 = q2$collect()
toc = Sys.time()

shape: (29, 3)
month passenger_count mean_tip
i64 i64 f64
3 0 0.877675
1 0 0.841718
2 0 0.876637
3 1 1.089205
1 1 1.036863
2 9 0.0
1 9 0.0
1 65 0.0
1 208 0.0
3 208 0.0
toc - tic
Time difference of 3.721074 secs

High-dimensional grouping example. This query provides an example where polars is noticeably slower than DuckDB.

q3 = (
    .group_by(["passenger_count", "trip_distance"])
    .sort(["passenger_count", "trip_distance"])

tic = time.time()
dat3 = q3.collect()
toc = time.time()

shape: (25_569, 4)
passenger_count trip_distance mean_tip mean_fare
i64 f64 f64 f64
0 0.0 1.345135 17.504564
0 0.01 0.178571 34.642857
0 0.02 4.35 61.05
0 0.03 16.25 74.0
0 0.04 0.03 46.5
208 5.1 0.0 12.5
208 6.6 0.0 17.7
247 3.31 2.3 11.5
249 1.69 0.0 8.5
254 1.02 0.0 6.0
# print(f"Time difference of {toc - tic} seconds")
q3 = (
    $group_by("passenger_count", "trip_distance")
    $sort("passenger_count", "trip_distance")

tic = Sys.time()
dat3 = q3$collect()
toc = Sys.time()
shape: (25569, 4)
passenger_count trip_distance mean_tip mean_fare
i64 f64 f64 f64
0 0.0 1.345135 17.504564
0 0.01 0.178571 34.642857
0 0.02 4.35 61.05
0 0.03 16.25 74.0
0 0.04 0.03 46.5
208 5.1 0.0 12.5
208 6.6 0.0 17.7
247 3.31 2.3 11.5
249 1.69 0.0 8.5
254 1.02 0.0 6.0
toc - tic
Time difference of 50.74207 secs

As an aside, if we didn’t care about column aliases (or sorting), then the previous query could be shortened to:

    .group_by(["passenger_count", "trip_distance"])
    .agg(pl.col(["tip_amount", "fare_amount"]).mean())
    $group_by("passenger_count", "trip_distance")
    $agg(pl$col("tip_amount", "fare_amount")$mean())

Pivot (reshape)

In polars, we have two distinct reshape methods:

  • pivot: => long to wide
  • unpivot: => wide to long

Here we’ll unpivot to go from wide to long and use the eager execution engine (i.e., on the dat3 DataFrame object that we’ve already computed) for expediency.

dat3.unpivot(index = ["passenger_count", "trip_distance"])
shape: (51_138, 4)
passenger_count trip_distance variable value
i64 f64 str f64
0 0.0 "mean_tip" 1.345135
0 0.01 "mean_tip" 0.178571
0 0.02 "mean_tip" 4.35
0 0.03 "mean_tip" 16.25
0 0.04 "mean_tip" 0.03
208 5.1 "mean_fare" 12.5
208 6.6 "mean_fare" 17.7
247 3.31 "mean_fare" 11.5
249 1.69 "mean_fare" 8.5
254 1.02 "mean_fare" 6.0
dat3$unpivot(index = c("passenger_count", "trip_distance"))
shape: (51138, 4)
passenger_count trip_distance variable value
i64 f64 str f64
0 0.0 "mean_tip" 1.345135
0 0.01 "mean_tip" 0.178571
0 0.02 "mean_tip" 4.35
0 0.03 "mean_tip" 16.25
0 0.04 "mean_tip" 0.03
208 5.1 "mean_fare" 12.5
208 6.6 "mean_fare" 17.7
247 3.31 "mean_fare" 11.5
249 1.69 "mean_fare" 8.5
254 1.02 "mean_fare" 6.0

Joins (merges)

mean_tips  = nyc.group_by("month").agg(pl.col("tip_amount").mean())
mean_fares = nyc.group_by("month").agg(pl.col("fare_amount").mean())
        on = "month",
        how = "left" # default is inner join
shape: (12, 3)
month tip_amount fare_amount
i64 f64 f64
9 1.254601 12.391198
3 1.056353 10.223107
11 1.250903 12.270138
6 1.091082 10.548651
8 1.079521 10.49265
10 1.281239 12.501252
5 1.078014 10.585157
2 1.036874 9.94264
4 1.043167 10.33549
7 1.059312 10.379943
mean_tips  = nyc$group_by("month")$agg(pl$col("tip_amount")$mean())
mean_fares = nyc$group_by("month")$agg(pl$col("fare_amount")$mean())
        on = "month",
        how = "left"  # default is inner join
shape: (12, 3)
month tip_amount fare_amount
i64 f64 f64
7 1.059312 10.379943
9 1.254601 12.391198
8 1.079521 10.49265
6 1.091082 10.548651
12 1.237651 12.313953
3 1.056353 10.223107
5 1.078014 10.585157
2 1.036874 9.94264
11 1.250903 12.270138
1 1.007817 9.813488

Appendix: Alternate interfaces

The native polars API is not the only way to interface with the underlying computation engine. Here are two alternate approaches that you may prefer, especially if you don’t want to learn a new syntax.

Ibis (Python)

The great advantage of Ibis (like dbplyr) is that it supports multiple backends through an identical frontend. So, all of our syntax logic and workflow from the Ibis+DuckDB section carry over to an equivalent Ibis+Polars workflow too. All you need to do is change the connection type. For example:

import ibis
import ibis.selectors as s
from ibis import _

##! This next line is the only thing that's changed !##
con = ibis.polars.connect()

con.register("nyc-taxi/**/*.parquet", "nyc")
<string>:2: FutureWarning: `Backend.register` is deprecated as of v9.1; use the explicit `read_*` method for the filetype you are trying to read, e.g., read_parquet, read_csv, etc.
/Users/gmcd/Documents/Projects/duckdb-polars/.venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ibis/backends/polars/__init__.py:75: PerformanceWarning: Resolving the schema of a LazyFrame is a potentially expensive operation. Use `LazyFrame.collect_schema()` to get the schema without this warning.
  schema = PolarsSchema.to_ibis(self._tables[name].schema)
DatabaseTable: nyc
  vendor_name           string
  pickup_datetime       timestamp
  dropoff_datetime      timestamp
  passenger_count       int64
  trip_distance         float64
  pickup_longitude      float64
  pickup_latitude       float64
  rate_code             string
  store_and_fwd         string
  dropoff_longitude     float64
  dropoff_latitude      float64
  payment_type          string
  fare_amount           float64
  extra                 float64
  mta_tax               float64
  tip_amount            float64
  tolls_amount          float64
  total_amount          float64
  improvement_surcharge float64
  congestion_surcharge  float64
  pickup_location_id    int64
  dropoff_location_id   int64
nyc = con.table("nyc")

  .agg(mean_tip = _.tip_amount.mean())
shape: (18, 2)
│ passenger_count ┆ mean_tip │
│ ---             ┆ ---      │
│ i64             ┆ f64      │
│ 6               ┆ 1.128365 │
│ 9               ┆ 0.8068   │
│ 3               ┆ 0.962949 │
│ 0               ┆ 0.862099 │
│ 66              ┆ 1.5      │
│ …               ┆ …        │
│ 8               ┆ 0.350769 │
│ 5               ┆ 1.102732 │
│ 65              ┆ 0.0      │
│ 208             ┆ 0.0      │
│ 247             ┆ 2.3      │

tidypolars (R)

The R package tidypolars (link) provides the “tidyverse” syntax while using polars as backend. The syntax and workflow should thus be immediately familar to R users.

It’s important to note that tidypolars is solely focused on the translation work. This means that you still need to load the main polars library alongside it for the actual computation, as well as dplyr (and potentially tidyr) for function generics.

library(polars) ## Already loaded
library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
library(tidyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)

nyc = scan_parquet_polars("nyc-taxi/**/*.parquet")

nyc |> 
    summarise(mean_tip = mean(tip_amount), .by = passenger_count) |>
shape: (18, 2)
passenger_count mean_tip
i64 f64
0 0.862099
9 0.8068
3 0.962949
6 1.128365
66 1.5
5 1.102732
8 0.350769
65 0.0
208 0.0
247 2.3

Aside: Use collect() instead of compute() at the end if you would prefer to return a standard R data.frame instead of a Polars DataFrame.

See also polarssql (link) if you would like yet another “tidyverse”-esque alternative that works through DBI/d(b)plyr.