(Pretty) big data wrangling with DuckDB and Polars

With examples in R and Python

Principal Economist, Amazon

May 2, 2024


Agenda and expectations

These sparse slides are mostly intended to serve as a rough guide map.

  • Most of what we’ll be doing is live coding and working through examples.
  • I strongly encourage you try these examples on you own machines. Laptops are perfectly fine.

Note: All of the material for today’s workshop are available on my website:



Important: Before continuing, please make sure that you have completed the requirements listed on the workshop website.

  • Install the required R and/or Python libraries.
  • Download some NYC taxi data.

The data download step can take 15-20 minutes, depending on your internet connection.

Problem statement

Why this workshop?

It’s a trope, but “big data” is everywhere. This is true whether you work in tech (like I do now), or in academic research (like I used to).

OTOH many of datasets that I find myself working with aren’t at the scale of truly huge data that might warrant a Spark cluster.

  • We’re talking anywhere between 100 MB to 50 GB. (Max a few billion rows; often in the millions or less.)
  • Can I do my work without the pain of going through Spark?

Another factor is working in polyglot teams. It would be great to repurpose similar syntax and libraries across languages…


DuckDB example


nyc = open_dataset(here::here("taxi-data"))
prettyNum(nrow(nyc), ",")
[1] "178,544,324"
tic = Sys.time()

nyc_summ = nyc |>
  to_duckdb() |>
    mean_tip = mean(tip_amount),
    .by = passenger_count
  ) |> 

(toc = Sys.time() - tic)
Time difference of 0.8269699 secs


DuckDB example (cont.)

We just read a ~180 million row dataset (from disk!) and did a group-by aggregation on it.

In < 1 second.

On a laptop.


Let’s do a quick horesrace comparison (similar grouped aggregation, but on a slightly smaller dataset)…

Simple benchmark: Computation time only

DuckDB and Polars are already plenty fast…

Simple benchmark: Computation time + data I/O

… but are even more impressive once we account for data import times

Wait. How??

Better disk storage 🤝 Better memory representation

Two coinciding (r)evolutions enable faster, smarter computation:

1. Better on-disk storage

  • Mainly talking about the Parquet file format here.
  • Columnar storage format allows better compression (much smaller footprint) and efficient random access to selected rows or columns (don’t have to read the whole dataset a la CSVs).

2. Better in-memory representation

  • Standardisation around the Apache Arrow format + columnar representation. (Allows zero copy, fewer cache misses, etc.)
  • OLAP + deferred materialisation. (Rather than “eagerly” executing each query step, we can be “lazy” and optimise queries before executing them.)

Scaling up

Even moar benchmarks

Question: Do these benchmarks hold and scale more generally? Answer: Yes. See Database-like ops benchmark.

Moreover—and I think this is key—these kinds of benchmarks normally exclude the data I/O component… and the associated benefits of not having to hold the whole dataset in RAM.

  • There are some fantastically fast in-memory data wrangling libraries out there. (My personal faves: data.table and collapse.) But “in-memory” means that you always have to keep the full dataset in, well, memory. And this can be expensive.
  • Libraries like DuckDB and Polars sidestep this problem, effectively supercharging your computer’s data wrangling powers.


Live coding sessions

Let’s head back to the website to work through some notebooks.



What didn’t we cover?

Other cool features

  • S3 I/O
    • DuckDB & Polars can both read/write directly from/to S3. You just need to provision your AWS credentials. [Ex. 1, 2, 3]
    • Note: I prefer/recommend the workflow we practiced today—first download to local disk via aws cli—to avoid network + I/O latency.
  • Geospatial
    • IMO the next iteration of geospatial computation will be built on top of the tools we’ve seen today (and related libs).
    • DuckDB provides an excellent spatial extension (works with dplyr). See also the GeoParquet, GeoArrow, & GeoPolars initiatives.

What didn’t we cover?

Other cool features (cont.)

  • Streaming
    • Streaming is the feature that enables working with bigger-than-RAM data.
    • Very easy to use and/or adjust our workflow to these cases…
    • DuckDB: Simply specify a disk-backed database when you first fire up your connection from Python or R, e.g.
    con = dbConnect(duckdb(), dbdir = "nyc.dbb")
    • Polars: Simply specify streaming when collecting, e.g.

What didn’t we cover?

Other cool features (cont.)

  • Modeling
    • The modeling part of this workflow is less tightly integrated b/c we generally have to bring the data into RAM.
    • But being able to quickly I/O parts of large datasets makes it very easy to iteratively run analyses on subsets of your data. E.g., I typically pair with fixest for unmatched performance on high-dimensional data.
    • You can also run bespoke models via UDFs and/or predictions on database backends. [Ex. 1, 2, 3]
    • FWIW I believe that the underlying matrix and linear algebra libraries for direct modeling with these tools are coming. [Ex. 1, 2]


Learning more


  • DuckDB homepage. Includes a very informative blog and standalone documentation for the client APIs (Python, R, and many others).
  • Also check out Harlequin for a cool, shell-based DuckDB IDE.
