
Here is a collection of software tools that I have written and serve as primary maintainer for.

R packages

  • duckreg Very fast out-of-memory regressions with DuckDB.
  • etwfe Convenience functions for Extended Two-Way Fixed Effect regressions.
  • ggfixest Dedicated ggplot2 methods for fixest objects.
  • lfe2fixest Convert lfe calls into their fixest equivalents.
  • parttree Visualize 2-D decision tree partitions.
  • ritest Fast randomization inference on R model objects.
  • tinyplot Lightweight extension of the base R graphics system.

In addition to the above, I am a fairly active contributor to other R packages for which I am not the primary maintainer. You can take a look at the activity log on my GitHub page for more. Finally, I have also posted a number of gists over the years, usually after being nerd-sniped by some prompt on social media. Examples include a (fast) Bayesian bootstrap, stacked regression, etc.

Quarto / R Markdown

  • revealjs-clean A minimal and elegant presentation theme for Quarto reveal.js.
  • lecturenotes A personalised R Markdown template for writing lecture notes and academic papers. (2023 update: I recommend switching to Quarto instead of R Markdown.)


I am a (co-)maintainer of various websites and webpages that collectively aim to improve the accessibility of data science software. These include:


A random selection of other guides, scripts, and tools:

  • arch-tips A fairly detailed changelog and collection of customization tips for Arch Linux.
  • Causal Inference: The Mixtape (Fast Forward ed.) A lean ’n mean reworking of the code accompanying The Mixtape book, which focuses on performance and concision (both the code itself and package dependencies).
  • codespaces-r2u A minimal(ish) Codespaces environment for R. Provides a fully-functioning R environment up in the cloud (running on GitHub servers) at the click of a button.
  • containerit-demo Simple demo for automating a Docker image build from your R environment, using the neat containerit package.
  • Shell script for fixing HiDPI scaling issues on Linux. Good for automating an otherwise laborious process following system or library updates.
  • open-access-fishery An interactive Shiny app for exploring open-access fishery dynamics. Good for an introductory resource economics class.
  • renv-rspm An example repo that demonstrates my recommonded approach to creating reproducible environments in R. Includes a video link. (Update: This approach should be enabled automatically with the latest release of )
  • tikz-examples Some examples of how to draw TikZ and PGFPlots figures in LaTeX, with a focus on environmental economics topics (e.g. a negative externality with deadweight loss).