If you’re reading this, it means that I successfully migrated my website over to Quarto. The previous Jekyll-based framework had served me well for almost a decade, but the wheels were starting to come off (or, at least seize up). Bizantine Ruby version requirements and incompatible security patches? Time to move on.
I’ve been using Quarto for many of my ad hoc projects and it’s a pleasure to use. More importantly, it seems to have enough momentum behind that it’s going to be around for a long time yet. I can only muster the energy to change website frameworks once a decade. Speaking of which…
Migrating was more painful than I’d anticipated. Not terrible, but not seamless either. The main paint points involved manually converting my old blog posts into the requisite Quarto posts/<slug>/index.qmd
format (plus re-running code and fixing hyperlinks), and then getting the GitHub Actions CI deployment to run properly. RE: the former, I’ve decided to only pull in the more recent blog posts. (“Recent” being a relative concept, since I’ve hardly any new posts from the last few years; partly due to Jekyll headaches.) Perhaps I’ll find the strength to convert those early posts too, although I doubt that anyone really needs to hear the ramblings of an early 2010s graduate student at this point. OTOH I’m reliably informed that blogging is making a comeback, so who knows? RE: the latter, the main issue appears to have been an existing gh-pages
cache. My problem was similar to this one, although I finally fixed it by deleting my gh-pages
branch and old deployment point, and starting afresh. When all else fails, burn it down and built back up.